Rostov State Medical University
Rostov State Medical University is a Russian public university of higher professional education and ministry on health and social medicine. Rostov State Medical University is also known as Rostov State Medical Institute, RostSMU, RostGMU, Rostov State Government Medical University
The Rostov State Medical University is the successor of Russian Warsaw University, evacuated to Rostov-on-Don and converted into The Don University. The best representatives of the medical schools of Warsaw, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan were collected on its medical faculty and have founded their own unique Rostov medical school, which has become one of the best in Russia.
In 1930, the Medical Faculty of the University was reorganized into the Institute of Medicine, which has become the largest medical university in the South of the USSR.
In the 50s, the Institute has grown significantly, the university became the first category, won the right to conduct defense of dissertations for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science. It has organized the Evening Department and the Faculty for Advanced Training of physicians.
In the 60s, there were opened the Central Scientific Research Laboratory, the Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens, several new departments, and at the same time there was improved clinical base.
In 1994, the Institute was granted University status, and then there were organized several new faculties.
Today the Rostov State Medical University is the largest medical research center in Southern Russia.
Rostov State Medical University is one of the leading Russian Medical Universities, providing a broad set of educational programs. The teaching staff of the University consists of scientists and medical practitioners who are committed to their work. Rostov State Medical University is the successor of Russian Warsaw University, evacuated to Rostov-on-Don and converted into The Don University. The best representatives of the medical schools of Warsaw, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan were collected on its medical faculty and have founded their own unique Rostov medical school, which has become one of the best in Russia.
Rostov State Medical University is the best medical university to study medicine in Russia for foreign students as well as for local students. In 1930, the Medical Faculty of the University was reorganized into the Institute of Medicine, which has become the largest medical university in the South of the USSR. In the 50s, the Institute has grown significantly, the university became the first category, won the right to conduct the defense of dissertations for awarding the degree of Doctor of Science. It has organized the Evening Department and the Faculty for Advanced Training of physicians.
In the 60s, there were opened The Central Scientific Research Laboratory, Preparatory Faculty on Training Foreign Citizens, several new departments, and at the same time there was an improved clinical base.
In 1994, the Institute was granted University status, and then there were organized new faculties. Today Rostov State Medical University is the largest medical research center in Southern Russia.
Rostov State Medical University has its own well-developed academic infrastructure, which includes the unique medical library, a University Clinic, a sports and leisure complex and a network of hostels for students. Students have access to the free Internet, electronic library resources, and other modern means of communication during their training.
Features of Rostov uniersity:
- Studying of the pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and effectively of the treatment HIV-infection
- The pathogenesis, diagnostics, treatment and prophylaxis of the heart-vascular diseases
- Development and introduction of the methods of the X-ray diagnostics and radiation therapy;
- Studying of the pathogenesis mechanisms and development the treatment methods of the ulcerative disease;
- Treatment methods in acute surgical diseases of the thorax, abdominal and pelvic cavities, methods of endoscopic surgery;
- Development and improvement of the methods of the prophylaxis, diagnostic and treatment of the urological diseases;
- Development and introduction of the methods of the diagnostics and early revelation of the tuberculosis;
- Ethiopathogenesis, diagnostics and treatment of the blood system diseases;
- Reconstructive surgical procedures for the treatment of posttraumatic patients;
- Diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of the patients with the mental illnesses, development of the measures for the urgent psychiatric and medico-psychological help in social stress and extreme situations.