Jalal-Abad State University as founded on April 2, 1993 in the city of Jalal-Abad, Kyrgyzstan on the basis of already functioning educational institutions. This is a public institution designed to provide higher education in following fields: Medical, Electronics, Energy, Construction, Agro-industrial complex.
Approximately 10000 students study at JaSU, more than 700 teachers work, including 15 doctors of science and professors, and 116 candidates of science and docents. In that approximately 1000 students from countries such as India, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Nepal, Pakistan, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Turkmenistan, the United States, and Uzbekistan. Producing specialists with high education in the following 54 fields and with secondary professional education in 12 fields. Jalal-Abad State University is not just a institution which imparts world-class education, but an experience where everyone associated is part of a dream, a mission to see that we nurture truly great leaders. The medical faculty of Jalal-Abad State University is affiliated with the Ministry of Health and Science Education, Kyrgyz Republic. Jalal-Abad State University was opened by the president of Kyrgyz Republic as a state educational institution designed to provide training for specialists with basic and complete higher education in such areas as electronics, energy, construction, medicine, education, and also specialists for the agro-industrial complex.read more
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